Our Philosophy : The sustainable management

ECO RESPONSIBLE compagny, SOKOLOFF ENVIRONNEMENT makes a commitment to set up the good ecoresponsible practices :

  • Continuous improvment approach in our professional practices
  • Approach of management of our waste by the sorting and the recyclin
  • Participation in the sustainable development : implementation of family gardens, approach of the schedule 21

Furthermore, thanks of its activities, SOKOLOFF ENVIRONNEMENT joins in the straight line of the companies-actresses for the conservation of water, the economy, the sustainable management of water ressources.

In the nature, plants develop harmoniously. However in a more and more urbanized environment, they do not find all the elements necessary for a good growth. The watering is then necessary, even compulsory, for a healthy flora and contribute to the reduction of the excesses of every types (chemicals).

The water is source of life thus too precious to be dissipated, it is necessary to tame it and to adopt it. The techniques of automatic watering and adequate pumping guarantee the conservation of this more and more rare resource.

SOKOLOFF ENVIRONNEMENT, specialist of the water for 20 years, masters these techniques. We estimate water requirements according to the vegetation and the sites of plantation. Every study is realized with a precise plan of setting-up of sprinklers, nozzles, drippers, etc. and especially controllers to water at dawn or at sunset to avoid the evaporation of the water.

Of simple use for the private individuals in stations weather reports and systems of management centralized for the professionals, controllers allow to manage all the water requirements and to adopt a reasoned watering.

The choice of the pumping, with or without filtration, is essential in the smooth running of the installation of irrigation: too low, networks will not enough be fed with water, too powerful, the pump will be unsuitable without economy of water, nor energy.

Nowadays, we attend the development of gardens more and more personalized at the private individuals as in urban zones :

To answer this demand while respecting the environment, SOKOLOFF ENVIRONNEMENT creates in association with the mason and the landscape painter of the human-sized fountains by bringing it a soothing atmosphere in one run deprived.

In the urban zones, SOKOLOFF ENVRIONNEMENT masters the processes of monumental, statutory fountains or still ponds of water with waterfalls, effects of water, wall of water, jets, mist, sets of water… Formerly realized in lost water, the new techniques allow to conceive systems of fontainerie closed circuit for an ecological environmental protection.

Ponds are often confronted with the phenomenon of eutrophication, the engineering consulting firm answers this problem by proposing of the equipment improving the oxygenation of ornamental lakes and thus the aquatic life.

SOKOLOFF ENVIRONNEMENT has authority to bring its technical support and its knowledge of the ground for a harmonious development of plantations and lawns in an environment with hostile trend.


☆ Un grand merci à Mme C. pour ce superbe avis qui nous touche énormément ! ☆La satisfaction de nos clients est notre plus belle preuve d'efficacité. www.sokoloff-environnement.com#avisclientlient ... Voir plusVoir moins
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Sokoloff Environnement Pompe et Arrosage se sent confortablement bien à Lourmarin.
Sokoloff Environnement Pompe et Arrosage
Installation et pose d'une pompe immergée sur tube acier dans un forage dans les Alpi#pompep#pompagem#forageorage www.sokoloff-environnement.com/fr/accueil/galerie-de-nos-prestations/ ... Voir plusVoir moins
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Sokoloff Environnement

910 Chemin de Jentelin


Téléphone: 04 90 94 15 33

Mobile: 06 11 16 32 89

Bloc marque adherent Unep
L’ UNEP est la seule Union Professionnelle représentative en France de la Profession d’Entrepreneur du Paysage dont fait partie la SAS SOKOLOFF ENVIRONNEMENT.